Volunteer Work

Here are few of the programs I have been involved with throughout the years. Volunteering and community work is important to me. If there are ways my skills could be used in the community please don't hesitate to reach out. 



Cache Women In Business- President Elect

Women in Business and empowering other women in my community is a topic I am very passtionate about. As the current President-elect I have supported the organization reevaluate the strategy of women in business moving forward and found ways to grow and develop as an organization.



Cache Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors

As a chamber ambassador I support new members joining the chamber becoming familiar with chamber resources and connections to grow their business.



Davis Technical College Foundation Board

As a board member for the Davis Technical College Foundation Board, I assisted in fundraising events, soliciting donations and helping secure funds for the new Allied Health Building on their campus.


Goal Foundation Young Runners Board

For the GOAL Foundation I sit on the board that helps with GOAL’s youth programs. The objective is to encourage youth to “Get Out and Live” and we do this by working with elementary school’s after school programs and providing children with active activities.


Perspectives Club

A USU campus organization that works in conjunction with the Women and Gender center to provide public awareness of issues in society regarding gender, race, religion, and sex. I assisted in community events in support of gender equality and awareness toward social issues.


Alpha Chi Omega Beta Xi Chapter

As a member of this women’s fraternity our philanthropic efforts included assisting causes supporting women against domestic violence. We assisted Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse (CAPSA) in their fundraising efforts.


Key Club President

While in high school I worked with the local Key Club which is a branch of Kiwanis. Working with this non-profit organization I was able to help with the mission of community service and improving the quality and opportunities for community needs.

This opportunity gave me much insight into my community and allows me to continue to work to improve my community on a personal level.